
Maker appreciate high work ethics as Maker’s customers do.

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Get your infrastructure ready for you to focus on what you’re good, your brand.

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Ease of Use

You don’t need to be a tech savvy, you have to be the best on your business.

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Reliable products to avoid you headaches on your internet journey.

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We’re ready to help you solve your technological problems ASAP.

Our History

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2009 -2014

Out of curiosity as a college student Maker started to create personal and college project websites. As a student decided to join different sales jobs on the side to be able to finance his activities

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2015 – 2017

Moved abroad, far from home and things got little more serious having to make a full living on his own.

Maker got a job in one of the top hosting companies in the world. As a Technical Support Representative the skills and level of knowledge improved in many areas.

Among them were servers, hosting, emailing, domains, CMS’s, data bases, migrations, updates, and many more.

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2018 – 2020

Heading back home with many tools on hand and projects ahead Maker got a job at an American company dedicated to online selling of PPE products, managing different sales channels, competing on marketplaces and search engines shopping browses, talking to customers and providers.

Got then a job as a Ruby on Rails developer for a Colombian startup but not for long as Maker knew his wind was blowing in a different direction.

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As a result of time and effort invested and the harvested knowledge MakerMiguel start working as an independent contractor and entrepreneur. Helping customers to get their online strategies to the sharpened point.

Maker is a combined mix of technical abilities and business driven mindset. What makes it perfect to understand customers needs and provide the right tool to penetrate the market.


Discipline is more important than talent, therefore it’s harder to beat a man that has done the same thing a thousand times than a man that has done once a thousand things.

Get In Touch

Contact me, no matter in what stage of your online journey you’re at the moment, let’s get you to a next level.