Web design:
What we offer!

We offer mainly 3 kind of websites: Statics, Open Source CMS, Licensed CMS.

Static websites are ideal for businesses and personal portfolios that have it’s operations mainly offline, their website is mainly informative, for communication purposes and not being updated very often.

Opens Source and Licensed CMS’s have many purposes and functionalities, among the most popular ones are the blog, shop and reservation functionalities.

This websites store a database and is easier to update contents such as texts, pictures, products, and many more according to the business needs and calendar.

Both softwares are very reliable if the setup is correct, the difference between the OS. and L. CMS is that the first one is free to use but you have to have some technical skills, while the second one usually have a monthly/yearly fee but it’s much friendly with no technical users.

Our Process



In a previous meeting we’ll discuss the purpose of your website, what does it need to have and how would you like it to look like.



With the first advises and your vision in mind we draw your ideas and find tools and methods to put it as close as you imagined.



First functional setup is done to make sure your website does what you need it to do before getting into the visual details to make it reliable.


Visual Edits

Website functioning properly and your sketch and material in hand, we start working on your web’s visuals to approach it to your brand identity.



You’ll see how far has your website gone and staying loyal to your sketch and requests we sharp some details to make it look as neat as in your mind.



After feedback reunion we put hand on work to make those last required changes and tested functionalities. Once done you’re all set to start operating online.

What our customer say?

Es un gusto trabajar con Miguel, siempre está atento a colaborar y su disposición a solucionar es excelente.

Jaime R. / Shopify Expert

Trabajar con Miguel fue lo mejor. Hace 4 años abrimos la primera tienda y desde eso no hemos parado y hemos crecido mucho cómo marca. El haber hecho el proceso de abrir nuestra página web fue un impulso muy grande para nuestra marca, el acompañamiento que nos diste siempre fue lo mejor, porque no sólo fue montar la tienda, sino enseñarnos a manejarla y entenderla, adicional se proporcionó toda la información necesaria para utilizarla y para recibir pagos. mil gracias por tu ayuda..

Eliana / RosaPistacho

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet imperdiet. Dui et vel maximus magna torquent blandit facilisi vulputate nunc.

Sebastian Langdon